What does come with paid listing on prolinkster.com ?

Not everyone is interested in having a reciprocal link on their website which is required with our free plan. That is why we have paid plans and we do know that not everyone have the same needs and is why we have multiple different paid plans to fit different websites needs.

What does come with paid listing on prolinkster.com ?

Not everyone is interested in having a reciprocal link on their website which is required with our free plan. That is why we have paid plans and we do know that not everyone have the same needs and is why we have multiple different paid plans to fit different websites needs. You can get started as low as $2.5 a month or $25 a year which is the smallest package we have with less features compared to the other two paid plan that we have and why we suggest this plan for personal websites and just starting businesses. In this post we will get more into the different features the different plans comes with and what they do and can be used for. We hope that this post will help you better understand what they are and give you a better insight into what package you should pick.

Reciprocal Link

This is the link that you are required with the free plan. Its a very simple HTML code that you will add visible on your website and will just be a clickable text link that say prolinkster.com that you traffic can click on and go to our website. So instead of paying money to be listed on our website you are paying with possible traffic coming from your website with no other requirement then keeping that link on your site. We do not i any way check how much traffic that any website listed for free brings and have no effect on your free listing.

Featured Listing

All of our paid plans comes with a featured listing on the website, however there is two kinds of featured listing. Regular package is only featured on the category page where premium and enterprise packages are featured both on category and  the front page of the website as spnsored/paid listings. This means that you do get something extra out of paying for your listing and you have a bigger chance of being seen by the visitors of our website when they are navigating the website.

Email/address/phone number

This is a feature that allow you to list an email and/or phone number that people can contact you on with what ever question they might have about your website, product or services. Only difference is that the regular package only comes with adding an email and an address and the other two packages comes with both email and phone number and address being something you can add.

Changing visible URL

All paid plans comes with the ability to change the visible url of their listing. The visible url is the url you see on the listing and in the image above. For example you wanna use a special link that track where your traffic comes from you can add the long form url under the box url which will be the link people go to and the visible url will be the nicer looking short version of your domain name.

Redirection page bypass

This feature let you bypass our redirection page which all free links has. Its a page that people go to when they click your link normally and it shows people where they are going and have a countdown before they are redirected to the website. So if you paid for your listing and do not want to use the redirecting page you can click the Bypass Redirection Page when you set up your listing.

Deep Links

Deep links you can use to link to more pages on your website. These comes without any redirecting page and just go straight to the page you linked. All packages comes with different amounts of deep links possible , where regular comes with one deep link, premium comes with two links and enterprise comes with 3 possible links. Its a great way to direct people to the page you want them to see, for eg you sell different services and wanna link directly to them so people can with no effort find your services.

Social media/other contacts

This is something only the enterprise package comes with. This allow you to link and add Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Whatsapp Number and a Telegram group.


This is something that comes with all listings and this allow your users and visitors to make reviews of your website and services, even tho we believe in freedom of expression we still do moderate these reviews for spam, off topic, abusiveness and more to keep the review section clean. These can be made without having an account on our platform and any of your users can just go to your page and make an review. We do however ask for email and name but we do hide the email from the review and is only shown to us.

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